First Edition (c) Felix Mue Starlocke, 2016-2017
transliteration (pronunciation)
(form) definition, definition
(form) conjugation; (form) conjugation
* * *
ade (ah-deh)
extremely informal/slang parting, similar to "see ya"
see also: mademas, made
aiya (EYE-yah)
(n.) me, myself, I
akh (AHKH)
(excl.) sound used to denote frustration or displeasure
antha (AHN-thah)
(n.) surface, outer layer, container
(v.) anthavii; (adj.) anthas
anthas (ahn-THAS)
(adj.) in a state of covering or containing something
(n.) antha; (v.) anthavii
anthavii (ahn-THAH-vee)
(v.) to contain or cover something
(n.) antha; (adj.) anthas
atta (AHT-tah)
(n.) torso (anatomical)
baesu (bah-EH-soo)
(pro.) they/them; "person #2"
ba'iimet (bah-EE-meht)
(n.) dwarf star (astronomy)
ba'iimyu (bah-EE-mew)
(n.) black hole (astronomy)
ba'iisa (bah-EE-sah)
(n.) intermediate star, ie. our Sun (astronomy)
ba'iisei (bah-EE-say)
(n.) red giant star (astronomy)
ba'iitha (bah-EE-thah)
(n.) neutron star (astronomy)
ba'iive (bah-EE-veh)
(n.) blue giant star (astronomy)
bangu (BAHN-goo)
(n.) shoulder (anatomical)
basat (BAH-saht)
(v.) to continue
besa (BEH-sah)
(n.) planet (astronomy)
betu (BEH-too)
(n.) toe, foot appendage (anatomical)
bi (bih)
extremely informal/slang greeting, considered rude if used for people one is not close with; similar to "yo" or "sup"
see also: biiha, biihadet
biiha (BEE-hah)
informal greeting similar to "hi" or "hey"
see also: biihadet, bih
biihadet (bee-HAH-deht)
"hello"; default/formal greeting
see also: biiha, bih
biista (BEE-stah)
(adj.) nervous, anxious
(adj.) biistas
biistas (bee-STAHS)
(adj.) foreboding, unnerving, creepy, ominous
(adj.) biista
biisu (BEE-soo)
(pro.) they/them; "person #1"
biiyabii (bee-YAH-bee)
(adj.) cute, endearing, adorable
boiiharu (boy-HAH-roo)
(n.) a piece or fragment of something that is broken
bu (boo)
(num.) 7; seven
bulokii (boo-loh-KEE)
(v.) to wait, to be patient
busot (BOO-soht)
(v.) to stop
bya (byah)
(num.) 9; nine
byu (byew)
(num.) 8; eight
chaipa (CHAI-pah)
(v.) to condense or coalesce
chei (chay)
(n.) static, chaotic energy, Cosmic Microwave Background radiation from the Big Bang
cheim (chaym)
(n.) remains, remnants
chetha (CHEH-thah)
(v.) to combine, fuse, or mix
cheyei (cheh-YAY)
(n.) an object which is being or has been shaped, formed, or built
(v.) cheyeivii; (adj.) cheyeis
cheyeis (cheh-YAYSE)
(adj.) shaped, formed, structured
(v.) cheyeivii; (n) cheyei
cheyeivii (cheh-YAY-vee)
(v.) to shape, to form
(adj.) cheyeis; (n.) cheyei
cheza (CHEH-zah)
(v.) to split from, to separate from
(adj.) chezas
chezas (cheh-ZAHS)
(adj.) split apart, separated
(v.) cheza
dam (dahm)
(part.) denotes the reason why of something
daro (DAH-roh)
(adj.) eternal, infinite
daska (DAHS-kah)
(adj.) glassy, crystalline
de (deh)
(part.) if, as long as
duinga (DOO-een-gah)
(v.) to float, as in water
eibe (AY-beh)
(n.) vein (anatomical)
(adj.) eibes
eibes (AY-bess)
(adj.) veiny, with veins showing
(n.) eibe
eit (ayt)
(n.) heat (temperature)
(adj.) eits
eits (eits)
(adj.) hot (temperature)
(n.) eit
enena (eh-NEH-nah)
(part.) but, however, and yet, despite
fe (feh)
(part.) denotes secondary/onward subject/object
fem (fehm)
(part.) without, absence of
feya (feh-YAH)
(part.) with, together with, alongside
fi (fih)
(num.) 5; five
fii (fee)
(num.) 6; six
fiinoi (fee-NOY)
(n.) home, abode, residence, living quarters
fliig (fleeg)
(v.) to swim
fu (foo)
(num.) 4; four
gala (GAH-lah)
(n.) neck (anatomical)
gasa (gah-sah)
(n.) summer; one of the 2 Antarctic seasons
giiba (GHEE-bah)
(adj.) good, pleasant, satisfactory
giibatha (ghee-BAH-thah)
(adj.) happy, pleased
gon (GOHN)
(n.) face (anatomical)
guran (goo-RAHN)
(n.) knee, leg joint (anatomical)
-gurii (GOO-ree)
(part., suff.) denotes "one who does (something)", added to the end of a verb; "action-doer"; common for names; similar to "er" in English, ie. "eater", "worshiper", etc.
-habal (HAH-ball)
(part., suff.) notes number placement, ie. first, second, third etc. when placed after a number
habe (HAH-beh)
(n.) the state or condition of something
hajii (hah-jee)
(n.) magic, energy manipulation
halii (ha-lee)
(adj.) wise, discerning
hamo (HAH-moh)
(adj.) sad, morose, melancholy
he (heh)
(part.) denotes main subject/object
hem (hehm)
(adj.) bad, displeasing, unsatisfactory
hibet (hih-BET)
(n.) the mineral known as hecatolite or "moonstone"
Hiibaii (hee-BYE)
(n.) Earth's sun
hiibedatii (hee-beh-DAH-tee)
(v.) to show something to someone else
Hiiche'iisudaro (hee-cheh-ee-soo-DAH-roh)
(n.) the Hiiche-na name for Antarctica
Hiiche-na (hee-CHEH-nah)
(n.) the name of the tribe which inhabits Antarctica in the Tryptamus universe; originators and speakers of the Kubiiska language
Hiipesa (hee-PEH-sah)
(n.) Earth's moon
hizeba (HIH-zeh-bah)
(v.) to allow or permit something
hmiiba (hmEE-bah)
(adj.) derelict, in ruin, crumbling, run-down, in squalor
humiida (HOO-mee-dah)
(adj.) large, vast
iinai (EE-nye)
(n.) visible light, photons
(adj.) iinais
iinais (EE-nice)
(adj.) bright
(n.) iinai
iisu (ee-soo)
(n.) winter; one of the 2 Antarctic seasons
-iith (eeth)
(part., suff.) pluralizes a word
jiidasta (jee-DAH-stah)
(n.) a prediction or foresight
(v.) jiidavii
jiidavii (jee-DAH-vee)
(v.) to predict or foresee
(n.) jiidasta
kanbii (KAHN-bee)
(n.) asteroid, meteor(ite) (astronomy)
kiigu (KEE-goo)
(n.) physical pain
(v.) kiiguvii, kiigurii; (adj.) kiigus
kiigurii (KEE-goo-ree)
(v.) to cause physical pain
(n.) kiigu; (adj.) kiigus
kiigus (KEE-goose)
(adj.) physically painful
(n.) kiigu; (v.) kiigurii, kiiguvii
kiiguvii (KEE-goo-vee)
(v.) to experience physical pain
(n.) kiigu; (adj.) kiigus
koth (kOHth)
(v.) to guide, steer, or move something/someone
kubii (KOO-bee)
(n.) comet (astronomy)
kumi (koo-MIH)
(n.) dent, crater, pockmark
(v.) kumivii; (adj.) kumis
kumis (koo-MISS)
(adj.) dented, cratered, pockmarked
(n.) kumi; (v.) kumivii
kumivii (KOO-mih-vee)
(v.) to dent, leave a crater
(n.) kumi; (adj.) kumis
kuromat (KOO-roh-mat)
(n.) duality, balance
lama (lah-MAH)
(n.) leg, locomotive appendage (anatomical)
lega (LEH-gah)
(adj.) unbreakable, invulnerable
leget (LEH-get)
(v.) to accept, to make peace with
lehe (leh-heh)
(v.) to eat, to consume
lio (LEE-oh)
(adj.) cloudy, fuzzy, unclear
lovelii (loh-VEH-lee)
(n.) skin (anatomical)
lovelivii (loh-VEH-lih-vee)
(v.) to remove skin (anatomically)
ma (mah)
(part.) denotes that something is not
made (mah-DEH)
informal parting, similar to "bye"
see also: mademas, ade
mademas (MAH-deh-mahs)
"goodbye"; formal parting
see also: made, ade
mana (MAH-nah)
(n.) hand (anatomical)
meian (MAY-ahn)
(n.) the space outside of something (physical)
meias (MAY-ahs)
(n.) the space inside of something (physical)
mei'it (MAY-it)
(n.) the physical cosmos, outer space
meit (mate)
(n.) lack of heat
(adj.) meits; (v.) meitvii
meits (mates)
(adj.) cold
(n.) meit; (v.) meitvii
meitvii (MATE-vee)
(v.) to cool down
(n.) meit; (adj.) meits
meisun (MAY-soon)
(n.) backward (direction)
meiun (MAY-oon)
(n.) forward (direction)
metha (MEH-thah)
(n.) up (direction)
(v.) methavii
methavii (meh-THAH-vee)
(v.) to move up (directionally)
(n.) metha
meza (MEH-zah)
(n.) right (direction)
(v.) mezavii
mezavii (meh-ZAH-vee)
(v.) to move right (directionally)
(n.) meza
mezii (MEH-zee)
(n.) left (direction)
(v.) meziivii
meziivii (MEH-zee-vee)
(v.) to move left (directionally)
(n.) mezii
mezul (meh-ZOOL)
(n.) down (direction)
(v.) mezuvii
mezuvii (MEH-zoo-vee)
(v.) to move down (directionally)
(n.) mezul
mi (mih)
(num.) 0; zero
mii (mee)
(n.) nothingness, emptiness, potential
Mii (mee)
(pn.) The Void, that which existed before anything
miiaba (mee-ah-bah)
(adj.) slow
miila (MEE-lah)
(n.) an uninterrupted flow
(v.) miilavii; (adj.) miilas
miilas (MEE-lahs)
(adj.) in a state of flowing uninterruptedly
miilavii (MEE-lah-vee)
(v.) to flow uninterrupted
(n.) miila; (adj.) miilas
miinai (MEE-nye)
(n.) darkness, lack of light
(adj.) miinais
miinais (MEE-nice)
(adj.) dark, lacking light, absorbing light
mime (mih-MEH)
(n.) sole or bottom of a foot (anatomical)
modol (MOH-dohl)
(n.) wit, charm, charisma
mu (moo)
(n.) a beginning, the start of something
Mu (moo)
(pn.) the beginning of our universe, the Big Bang
muko (MOO-koh)
(adj.) mysterious, enigmatic, esoteric, unknown
muthai (MOO-thye)
(n.) entropy, chaos, discord
(adj.) muthais; (v.) muthaivii
muthais (moo-THYEse)
(adj.) chaotic, disordered
(n.) muthai; (v.) muthaivii
muthaivii (moo-THYE-vee)
(v.) to cause chaos
(n.) muthai; (adj.) muthais
myube (MEW-beh)
(n.) gravity
(v.) myuvii; (adj.) myubes
myubes (MEW-bess)
(adj.) gravitationally attractive
(n.) myube; (v.) myuvii
myubevii (mew-BEH-vee)
(v.) to attract gravitationally
(n.) myube; (adj.) myubes
myuvii (MEW-vee)
(v.) to orbit gravitationally
na (nah)
(part.) denotes ownership; of; " 's "
nai (nye)
(n.) energy, radiation
(adj.) nais
nais (nice)
(adj.) energetic
(n.) nai
ne (neh)
(num.) 2, two
nepa (NEH-pah)
(n.) head (anatomical)
nepath (NEH-pawth)
(n.) brain (anatomical)
nepii (neh-PEE)
(n.) mind, consciousness
nepiim (neh-PEEM)
(v.) to think, to consider, to analyze
neptho (NEP-tho)
(n.) the link between the cosmos and all sentience; the state of the universe being self-aware; similar to Hindu "prana"
ni (nih)
(num.) 1, one
niba (nih-BAH)
(n.) finger, thumb (anatomical)
niibe (NEE-beh)
(n.) sound
(adj.) niibes
niibes (NEE-bess)
(adj.) audible
(n.) niibe
niithel (nee-THELL)
(n.) key
(v.) niithelvii; (adj.) niithels
niithels (nee-THELSE)
(adj.) unlocked, literally "keyed"
(n.) niithel; (v.) niithelvii
niithelvii (nee-THELL-vee)
(v.) to unlock, literally "to key"
(n.) niithel; (adj.) niithels
niithyu (NEE-thyew)
(n.) lock, padlock
(v.) niithyuvii; (adj.) niithyus
niithyus (nee-THEWSE)
(adj.) locked
(n.) niithyu; (v.) niithyuvii
niithyuvii (nee-THEW-vee)
(v.) to lock
(n.) niithyu; (adj.) niithyus
niiumet (NEE-oo-meht)
(adj.) gentle
(adv.) niiumevii
niiumevii (nee-oo-MEH-vee)
(adv.) gently
(adj.) niiumet
nobto (NOHB-toh)
(adj.) neutral, blank, ambiguous
pa (pah)
(part.) because of, as a result of
pachat (PAH-chaht)
(adj.) angry, irritated, annoyed
pakata (PAH-kah-tah)
(v.) to walk
panpukh (pan-POOKH)
(n.) one's child or offspring, regardless of genetic relation; lit. "precious child"
pata (PAH-tah)
(n.) foot (anatomical)
pesa (PEH-sah)
(n.) moon, natural satellite (astronomy)
piisupa (PEE-soo-pah)
(prn.) they/them/those (inanimate objects)
raba (RAH-bah)
(n.) ankle, foot/leg joint (anatomical)
reinai (RAY-nye)
(n.) sparks, sparkles
-s (soft s)
(part., suff.) changes a noun or verb to an adjective
sabii (SAH-bee)
(n.) dwarf planet, proto-planet (astronomy)
san (sahn)
(n.) solid matter (physics)
(adj.) sans
saneb (SAH-nehb)
(n.) sense of touch
(v.) sanevii
sanevii (SAH-neh-vee)
(v.) to touch
sara (sah-RAH)
(adj.) quiet, soft-spoken
se (seh)
(num.) 3; three
sei (say)
(n.) gas (physics)
(adj.) seis
seit (sayt)
(n.) plasma (physics)
(adj.) seits
sesa (seh-sah)
(adj.) irrelevant, moot, inapplicable, outdated
shapa (SHAH-pah)
(n.) arm, upper appendage (anatomical)
shiino (SHEE-noh)
(v.) to take
shon (shown)
(v.) to give
shuku (shoo-koo)
(n.) hip, pelvis (anatomical)
shureba (shoo-reh-bah)
(n.) a lie, a falsehood
(v.) surebavii; (adj.) shurebas
shurebas (shoo-reh-boss)
(adj.) false, incorrect, fabricated
(n.) shureba; (v.) shurebavii
shurebavii (shoo-reh-BAH-vee)
(v.) to lie, to knowingly say something false with the intent of misinforming
(n.) shureba; (adj.) shurebas
siba (sibbah)
(v.) to love, to adore, to care for
sil (sill)
(part.) and, also, as well
ska (skah)
(n.) words, either written or spoken
(v.) skavii; (v.) skave
skave (skah-veh)
(v.) to write words
(n.) ska; (v.) skavii
skavii (skah-vee)
(v.) to speak words aloud
(n.) ska; (v.) skave
soiiba (soh-ee-bah)
(adj.) quick, fast
sujii (soo-jee)
(n.) liquid water
sujiikh (soo-jeekh)
(n.) ocean, sea
sul (sool)
(n.) a liquid
(adj.) suls
sumat (SOO-maht)
(v.) to physically spin or twirl something/someone
sumatvii (soo-MAHT-vee)
(v.) to physically spin around (one's self)
sumeit (soo-MATE)
(n.) ice, snow, frozen water
sumyu (SOO-mew)
(n.) spiral
(v.) sumyuvii; (adj.) sumyus
sumyus (soo-MEWSE)
(adj.) spiral-shaped
sumyuvii (su-MEW-vee)
(v.) to spiral
(n.) sumyu; (adj.) sumyus
tapaba (tah-PAH-bah)
(n.) female or female-aligned romantic partner, girlfriend, wife
(n.) tababan
tapaban (tah-PAH-bahn)
(n.) lit. "my girlfriend" / "my wife"
(n.) tapaba
tapabii (tah-PAH-bee)
(n.) male or male-aligned romantic partner, boyfriend, husband
(n.) tapabiin
tapabiin (tah-PAH-bean)
(n.) lit. "my boyfriend" / "my husband"
(n.) tapabii
tapame (tah-PAH-meh)
(n.) romantic partner (gender neutral)
(n.) tapamein
tapamein (tah-PAH-main)
(n.) lit. "my romantic partner" (gender neutral)
(n.) tapame
teme (teh-meh)
(pn.) you, yourself (addressing someone else)
thai (thigh)
(n.) vibration
(v.) thaivii
thaivii (thigh-vee)
(v.) to vibrate
thanut (thah-noot)
(n.) time, the passing of time
(v.) thanuvii
thanuvii (thah-noo-vee)
(v.) to spend time, pass time
(n.) thanut
theba (theh-bah)
(n.) nebula, dust cloud
theba'ii (theh-BAH-ee)
(n.) star, sun (astronomy)
thebasumyu (theh-bah-SOO-mew)
(n.) galaxy, literally "star spiral"
thei (THAY)
(n.) subatomic particle in its current vibrational state
theis (THAYSE)
(n.) atom (physics)
theim (THAME)
(n.) molecule, molecular structure (physics)
theit (THAYT)
(n.) element (physics)
thesa (THEH-sah)
(n.) dust
(adj.) thesas
thesas (theh-SAHS)
(adj.) dusty, covered in dust
(n.) thesa
tho (thOH)
(n.) cosmic string (as in String Theory)
totorii (toh-TOH-ree)
(n.) resolve, willpower, determination, self-discipline
veda (VEH-dah)
(n.) dance
(v.) vedavii
veha (veh-HAH)
(n.) that which is known/understood
(v.) vehavii; (adj.) vehas
vehas (VEH-hahs)
(adj.) understandable, comprehensible
(n.) veha; (v.) vehavii
vehavii (veh-HAH-vee)
(v.) to know, to understand, to comprehend
(n.) veha; (adj.) vehas
velalii (veh-LAH-lee)
(n.) bruise
(v.) velalivii; (adj.) velalis
velalis (veh-LAH-liss)
(adj.) bruised
(n.) velalii; (v.) velalivii
velalivii (veh-LAH-lih-vee)
(v.) to bruise
(n.) velalii; (adj.) velalis
-vii (vee)
(part., suff.) changes a noun/adj. to a verb
viidestii (vee-DEH-stee)
(adj.) pretty, beautiful
voiibiisu (voy-BEE-soo)
(n.) visitor, passer-by
ya (yah)
(part.) as, while, during
yai (yai)
(part.) ?; denotes a question
yoba (YOH-bah)
(part.) into
yopa (YOH-pah)
(part.) inside of, within
yoto (YOH-toh)
(n.) the name of a specific flower that grows on a specific species of moss, which the Hiiche-na harvest
yo'ut (yo-OOT)
(part.) to, toward
yube (YOO-beh)
(part.) outside of, beyond
yubet (YOO-beht)
(n.) bones, skeleton, inner framework
yusen (YOO-sehn)
(v.) to follow